Skipping Rope


A skipping rope is a tool used where a learner jumps over a rope swung so that it passes under their feet and over their heads.

A skipping rope is a tool used in the sport of jump rope where one or more participants jump over a rope swung so that it passes under their feet and over their heads.

Some say 10 minutes of skipping equals a 30-minute run.

How to teach rope skipping

The value of the Neuro Dynamix Skipping Rope is that is adjustable and weighted for a great skipping experience. If the skipping rope is too long, loosen the knot, adjust the length and tie a new knot. Do not cut the rope, the next learner may need a longer rope:

  • Lay the rope out on the floor and encourage the learner to jump over it with both feet together – forwards and backwards.
  • Let the learner practice the arm and wrist movements using a hula hoop to ‘skip’. The solid arc of the hoop makes timing more predictable and the hoop does not get tangled up like the rope sometimes does. Once the learner has mastered jumping the hoop, give them a rope.
  • First, let them swing the rope and step over the rope while walking forward. Once this is easy, encourage them to start picking up speed jumping with one leg and in time with both legs together.
  • The learner must jump high enough for the rope to sweep clear and keep their hands close to their body, while turning with their wrists, not with the whole arm.
  • The learner may find that jumping on a hard surface is easier to coordinate the rope and body to find a rhythm.


What is the purpose of a Neuro Dynamix Skipping Rope?

Skipping is a fun and functional activity that engages many muscle groups: the heart (cardio), arms, legs, back, shoulders, and core; building strong muscles in nearly every part of the body.

From a Mind Moves perspective skipping with a rope is an effective way to integrate primitive reflexes so more advanced movement patterns and skills can be developed. When primitive reflexes are still active, it is as though a learner’s body doesn’t want to listen to their brain. Movement then stays reflexive, uncoordinated and uncontrolled, and behaviour tends to be more erratic.

Movement develops the vestibular system and once the vestibular system has been developed, the vestibular system controls movement and behaviour.

Skipping with a rope gives the vestibular system an intensive workout. The strange thing is that movement develops the vestibular system and once the vestibular system has been developed it controls movement and behaviour. Hence it is true to say skipping develops gross motor skills, posture, balance and behaviour and once gross motor movement has developed, the fine muscles in the hands, feet and eyes can become more agile in readiness for writing and reading.


Warm up with Mind Moves before introducing the Neuro Dynamix Skipping Rope:

Abs Trainer
The learner must lie flat on their back and touch the opposite elbow (or hand) and knee while turning the head up and down, and left and right. He then progresses to turning only the eyes (up and down, left and right, near and far) while moving the opposite arm and leg. This movement strengthens the core muscles for improved posture while freeing the arms and legs. It promotes crossing the visual and kinaesthetic midlines for easier drawing, writing and reading.
>> Watch Video
Arm Workout
With the learner standing with their feet slightly apart, show the learner how to clasp the hands together, fingers intertwined and palms turned outwards. While keeping his body in the upright ‘string-of-beads’ position he has to extend the arms forward to lengthen the arm and shoulder muscles. After maintaining the extended position for a count of eight, the learner must repeat the process with the hands above the head. The hands then need to be dropped down against the body, with palms turned downwards, and then the process needs to be repeated. Let the learner unclasp the hands and move them behind his back and clasp and push the palms downwards, opening up the shoulders to lengthen and relax the muscles. This movement stimulates the muscle tone in the back, shoulders and hands for improved posture, hand-eye coordination and communication skills.
>> Watch Video
Leg Workout
The learner sits on a chair and straightens both legs in front while resting the heels of the feet on the floor. He then raises both legs off the floor and flexes and points both feet to become aware of any tightness in the calf muscles. He then rests the left leg on the floor and flexes the right foot and holds it for a count of eight in the flexed position. After relaxing the foot he raises the right foot again and flexes it for a count of eight. Repeat at least three times with the right foot, and then raise both legs off the floor and flex and point them to feel if there is any difference in the tightness of the calf muscles. Now the learner must rest the right foot on the floor and hold the left foot in a flexed position for a count of eight. Relax the foot and raise and flex the left foot again for a count of eight. Repeat this move at least three times with the left foot. Raise both legs off the floor. Flex and point both feet and be aware of any difference of tightness in the calf muscles. Horse-riding or walking on the heels could also help to lengthen the calf and hamstring muscles, reduce hyperactivity and improve impulse control.
>> Watch Video



Suggested activities for the Neuro Dynamix Skipping Rope:

  • Jump forward
  • Jump backwards
  • Jump with both feet together
  • Jump along a path and over different terrain
  • Jump while singing a song
  • Jump while learning the times tables or any other facts.


Birdie, Birdie in the Sky
Birdie, birdie in the sky,
Why’d ya do that in my eye?
Birdie, birdie in the sky,
Gee, I’m glad that cows don’t fly.

I Know Something

I know something,
But I won’t tell.
Three little monkeys,
in a peanut shell.
One can read,
And one can dance,
And one has a hole,
in the seat of his pants!

Skipping with a rope uses your body weight as resistance, and resistance training helps
to build bone density and muscle tone.

What skills relate to Neuro Dynamix Skipping Rope?

  • Skipping improves motor coordination
  • Balance improves coordination, speed, and agility
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Muscular strength and endurance
  • Increase in body flexibility
  • Improvement in bone density
  • Integration of primitive reflexes
  • Improves concentration.