How does a Neuro Dynamix intervention work?

The learning support programme is a structured intervention based on neuroscience principles to systematically produce results. The Neuro Dynamix intervention programme starts with:

  • An ASSESSMENT to determine what a learner can and cannot yet do.
  • REFER the learner if the learner experiences barriers to learning but there is no evidence of sensory-motor and perceptual-motor barriers.
  • Use the Neuro Dynamix INTERVENTION GUIDE to plan the intervention.
  • Do CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT to plot progress.
  • Compile EVIDENCE of progress.
  • When skill has been developed IDENTIFY and PLAN the next intervention.
  • Continue this process until a learner learns, writes and reads with confidence and comprehension.


AIM: To determine what a learner can and cannot do.


Once you have:
watched all the videos
completed all the quizzes successfully you have arrived at the end of the programme, you will be able to DOWNLOAD the following test battery:



DOWNLOAD a master copy of the INTERVENTION CHECKLIST. Print copies. These are to be completed in consultation with the learner’s parents and teachers -one checklist per learner pre-intervention and one checklist post-intervention. File the completed forms as evidence. Submit online.


DOWNLOAD a master copy of the DRAW-A-PERSON Test. Print copies. Every test will be used once only. Ask the learner to draw a picture of themselves on the back of the DRAW-A-PERSON Test. The drawing must be done in portrait, not landscape. Use the scoring sheet to score. File. Submit online.


DOWNLOAD a master copy of the ROMBERG Test. Every test will be used three times per learner. Print copies. Complete with the learner. Use the scoring key on the test to score. File. Submit online.


DOWNLOAD a master copy of the ONE LEG STAND Test. Every test will be used three times per learner. Print copies. Complete with the learner. Use the scoring key on the test to score. File the evidence. Submit online.


DOWNLOAD the PRE-WRITING STROKES Test. Ask the learner to make their strokes on the back of the test. Use the PRE-WRITING STROKES Test to indicate scores. File. Submit online.



DOWNLOAD the test instructions and scoring sheet for the 1 MINUTE READING Test. The learner read their page and you follow on your page. Use the Reading Score Table to calculate and indicate the score. Use the RECORD CARD to indicate scores. File as evidence. Submit online.


DOWNLOAD the test instructions and scoring sheet for the SPELLING Test. Keep blank paper for answers readily available, the learner will write their answers on blank paper. If you use paper without lines, do so consistently. If you use lined paper, do so consistently. Use the RECORD CARD to indicate scores. File as evidence. Submit online.


DOWNLOAD the test instructions and scoring sheet for the 1 MINUTE MATH Test. Keep blank paper for answers readily available, the learner will write their answers on blank paper. If you use paper without lines, do so consistently. If you use lined paper, do so consistently. Use the RECORD CARD to indicate scores. File as evidence. Submit online.
Write the learner’s name, surname, date of birth and date of assessment on every assessment.
Do the tests in the same sequence and follow the instructions carefully for each test.

Once you have DOWNLOADED the test battery:

  • create a flipfile with MASTER DOCUMENTS for each test and
  • make copies of each test in readiness for the first learner that you will assess.

Record keeping

Create a file for each learner with their test scores and other evidence that you may gather to indicate the interventions followed and the learner’s progress. It is not necessary to repeat all the tests after six weeks, but if applicable, repeat all 7 tests after six weeks to notice progress. Adjust the intervention plan when you notice the learner is competent at a specific skill. Add copies of the learner’s class work to the learner’s file to note if the intervention is transferring to the classroom.


When the learner experiences barriers to learning but there is no evidence of sensory-motor and perceptual-motor barriers (DRAW-A-PERSON, Romberg, One Leg Stand and Pre-Writing Strokes tests) do not hesitate to refer the learner for an emotional and cognitive assessment.

Neuro Dynamix intervention guide

The intervention guide is not an instruction manual. It is a handy guide to help you to prioritise where to start and what to do to remove barriers to learning.

Continuous assessment

Assess the learner’s progress every six weeks, or more often if you suspect the learner has improved measurably. Indicate the learner’s progress on the Neuro Dynamix INTERVENTION GUIDE. Write the date at the appropriate activity and add a comment about changes in the learner’s behaviour that show progress or that show regression. Progress is celebrated and regression is investigated.


Evidence of progress is motivating for both the learner and yourself. Collect and file evidence, but please pay more attention to skills development than evidence accumulation. Photos and videos provide excellent evidence, but you must have written permission from the parent and the learner to gather such data. If you want to share such data, as well as other test data, you need written permission from the parent and the learner. Using photos, videos and other personal data without written permission is a legal offence.

Intervention outcomes

When an intervention outcome has been reached, CELEBRATE the learner’s progress! A star works. A high-five works too. Ringing a bell or sharing a treat can work as well. Do not allow a moment to celebrate a learner’s progress pass unnoticed, the learner’s confidence, self-esteem and motivation will soar.

IDENTIFY and PLAN the next intervention

Continue this intervention process until the learner learns, writes and reads with confidence and comprehension.