Neuro Dynamix is a gross and fine motor intervention programme that gets to the heart of underlying issues that so many learners with barriers to learning experience.

It is designed as an extensive and effective resource for those involved in remediating problems with writing and reading.

Neuro Dynamix is a school-based intervention programme in support of the SBST, as well as a home-based intervention programme for the home-schooling community.

Neuro Dynamix is for:

  • children who were NOT school ready
  • retained learners with a SNA-1 (Support Needs Assessment Form)
  • progressed learners with a SNA-1
  • learners who already have an ISP (Individual Support Plan) but need more differentiated support
  • learners with barriers to learning who need an ISP and who have not entered the remedial ‘system’ yet.
  • passionate teachers and parents who want to become masters at removing barriers to learning — effectively and permanently
  • schools that want to develop the capacity of their SBST
  • governing bodies that want to invest in their teachers to support learners who are failing to progress
  • businesses that want to make a difference by uplifting the youth of South Africa.


Training requirements:

  • adequate level of literacy
  • reliable internet access

Neuro Dynamix of Writing and Reading: Practitioner

Cost excludes courier fee, only available in South Africa.

Engage in the interactive Neuro Dynamix of Writing and Reading: Practitioner programme

  • become a Neuro Dynamix of Writing and Reading: Practitioner in as little as 3 months
  • train online when you can, where you are
  • watch 66 training videos
  • deepen your insight with an online manual
  • answer 25 quizzes to consolidate your knowledge
  • score 80% per quiz and qualify when you are ready
  • download your certificate.

Resources included

  • a comprehensive kit (sensory-motor, visual-motor, gross- and fine motor) delivered to your door
  • every piece of equipment needed for this INTERVENTION PROGRAMME (hula hoops excluded)
  • an all-inclusive test battery with 8 assessment tools
  • access to an electronic secretary who does your admin so you can focus on the learners
  • a series of tailor-made and differentiated INTERVENTION PLANS based on each learner’s developmental needs
  • ongoing assessments provide online evidence of progress
  • automatic adjustment of learners’ individual INTERVENTION PLANS (online)
  • reports at the push of a button.

This Neuro Dynamix of Writing and Reading INTERVENTION dove tails with SIAS (Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support).

Neuro Dynamix of Writing and Reading: Practitioner programme curriculum:

Neuro Dynamix Remedial Obstacle Courses

Neuro Dynamix Remedial Obstacle Courses


NEURO DYNAMIX REMEDIAL OBSTACLE COURSES© is a movement-based programme. The aim of NEURO DYNAMIX REMEDIAL OBSTACLE COURSES© is to facilitate the integration of the senses and muscles with the brain. We will enable you to design remedial obstacles with this specific aim in mind.

Engage in the interactive Neuro Dynamix Remedial Obstacle Courses

  • registration at SACE or SAPIK or SAMA is a prerequisite to take this course.
  • train online when you can, where you are within 60 days
  • watch 14 training videos
  • deepen your insight with an online manual
  • answer 12 quizzes to consolidate your knowledge
  • score 80% per quiz and qualify when you are ready
  • download your certificate.

Resources included

  • a comprehensive downloadable manual
    • a theoretical base for Neuro Dynamix Remedial Obstacle Courses backed by Neuroscience
    • primitive reflexes as the driving force behind sensory-motor, visual-motor, gross- and fine motor development, writing and reading
    • a practical guide to design and build 24 Neuro Dynamix Remedial Obstacle Courses.

Neuro Dynamix Remedial Obstacle Courses© programme curriculum: